Current Issue : January - March Volume : 2019 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
A class of pseudo distances is used to derive test statistics using transformed\ndata or spacings for testing goodness-of-fit for parametric models. These statistics\ncan be considered as density based statistics and expressible as simple\nfunctions of spacings. It is known that when the null hypothesis is simple, the\nstatistics follow asymptotic normal distributions without unknown parameters.\nIn this paper we emphasize results for the null composite hypothesis: the\nparameters can be estimated by a generalized spacing method (GSP) first\nwhich is equivalent to minimize a pseudo distance from the class which is\nconsidered; subsequently the estimated parameters are used to replace the\nparameters in the pseudo distance used for estimation; goodness-of-fit statistics\nfor the composite hypothesis can be constructed and shown to have again\nan asymptotic normal distribution without unknown parameters. Since these\nstatistics are related to a discrepancy measure, these tests can be shown to be\nconsistent in general. Furthermore, due to the simplicity of these statistics\nand they come a no extra cost after fitting the model, they can be considered\nas alternative statistics to chi-square statistics which require a choice of intervals\nand statistics based on empirical distribution (EDF) using the original\ndata with a complicated null distribution which might depend on the parametric\nfamily being considered and also might depend on the vector of true\nparameters but EDF tests might be more powerful against some specific\nmodels which are specified by the alternative hypothesis....
Uncertainty is an important prosperity to rock tunnel. Reliability analysis is widely used to deal with the uncertainty. But it is difficult\nto be adopted in rock tunnel using the traditional reliability method because the limit state function is an implicit function. High\ndimension model representation (HDMR) can approximate the high dimensional, nonlinear, and implicit function using the low\ndimensional function. In this study, the HDMR method was adapted to approximate the limit state function through combining\nwith response surface method (RSM). A new reliability analysis approach of HDMR-based response surface method, combined\nwith the first-order reliability method (FORM), is developed to calculate the reliability index of tunnel, and implementation of the\nmethod is explained briefly. A circular tunnel with analytical solution and horseshoe tunnel with numerical solution are used to\ndemonstrate the proposed method. The obtained reliability index is in excellent agreement with Low and Tangâ??s (2007) method\nand traditional RSM. It shows that HDMR-based response surface can approximate well the limit state function, and the proposed\nmethod is an efficient and effective approach for reliability analysis in tunnel engineering. It is very useful for reliability analysis of\npractical large-scale rock engineering....
Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex (PCC) and Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex (PAC) are\nincreasingly being used as traditional herbal medicines, but they are often mistaken for each other.\nIn this study, the fingerprints of PCC from six different geographical sources were obtained by\nhigh-performance liquid chromatography, and multivariate chemometric methods were used for\ncomprehensive analysis. Two unsupervised pattern recognition models (principal component analysis\nand hierarchical cluster analysis) and a supervised pattern recognition model (partial least squares\ndiscriminant analysis) were established on the basis of the chemical composition and physical traits of\nPCC and PAC. PCC and PAC were found to be distinguishable by these methods. The PCC category\nwas divisible into two categories, one with more crude cork and a maximum thickness of ~1.5 mm,\nand the other with less net crude cork and a maximum thickness of 0.5 mm. According to the\nmodel established by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), the important chemical\nmarker berberine hydrochloride was obtained and analyzed quantitatively. From these results\ncombined with chemometric and content analyses, the preliminary classification standards for\nphellodendron were established as three grades: superior, first-order and mixed. Compared with\nthe traditional identification methods of thin layer chromatography identification and microscopic\nidentification, our method for quality evaluation is relatively simple. It provides a basis and reference\nfor identification of PCC and enables establishment of grade standards. It also could be applied in\nquality control for compound preparations containing PCC....
Object detection in a camera sensing system has been addressed by researchers in the field\nof image processing. Highly-developed techniques provide researchers with great opportunities\nto recognize objects by applying different algorithms. This paper proposes an object recognition\nmodel, named Statistic Experience-based Adaptive One-shot Detector (EAO), based on convolutional\nneural network. The proposed model makes use of spectral clustering to make detection dataset,\ngenerates prior boxes for object bounding and assigns prior boxes based on multi-resolution.\nThe model is constructed and trained for improving the detection precision and the processing\nspeed. Experiments are conducted on classical images datasets while the results demonstrate the\nsuperiority of EAO in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Working performance of the EAO is\nverified by comparing it to several state-of-the-art approaches, which makes it a promising method\nfor the development of the camera sensing technique....
The objective of this research was to study the behavior and attitudes of consumers from\nthe United Arab Emirates towards using the World Wide Web (WWW) for ordering food online,\nas well as their perception of social mediaâ??s (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp)\nimpact on increasing their knowledge about their food quality options. This research question targets\nsocial mediaâ??s role in aiding consumer decision-making with regard to enhanced food quality choices\nand thus enhanced food security. The results of this study showed that about 50% of the respondents\nfrequently use a website to order food online in the study area. The analysis of the survey results\nshowed a strong correlation between the frequency of food ordered online by consumers and the\nnumber of consumers who sought specific information about food quality, such as those who wished\nto obtain information about special diets for both medical and non-medical purposes. A strong\ncorrelation was also found to exist between the frequency of ordering food online and consumers\nwho often inquired about buying organic food. Furthermore, the authors found the potential and the\nneed for more transparency and enhancement when exchanging information between online food\nproviders and consumers, in order to achieve the countryâ??s food security goal of better consumer\naccess to food quality information....